- 01. Introduction to Jasmine
- 02. Exploring the SpecRunner
- 03. Identifying Suites and Specs
- 04. Introducing Suites and Specs
- 05. Writing a Test
- 06. Multiple Tests per Spec
- 07. Getting Started with Red-Green-Refactor
- 08. Writing AddressBookSpec.js
- 09. Writing our Implementation
- 10. Iterating on our Implementation
- 11. Complete our Implementation
- 12. Mike's Solution
- 13. Another Spec
- 14. Removing Redundant Code
- 15. Testing Asynchronous Code
- 16. Writing an Asynchronous Test
- 17. Running our First Async Test
- 18. Correcting our Asynchronous Test
- 19. Course Conclusion